Wednesday, April 15, 2009

money money money

i miss my friends.
i need my texts!!
i am dying......

having no money and no free text on my phone the past few days, i have felt so completely isolated from the rest of the world! its like i've been living in my own bubble, like i was robinson crusoe. stranded entirely alone on an island.

i really need my texts. im lost without my fon. a part of me is missing. *sobs

so im sorry to those that i haven't replied yet. will do soon! money comin in. whoever said money isn't everything must have been a bloody rich idiot. ish. it is everything :P

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Party mode

a late happy easter wish ppl :) have been busy during my hols, what with the parties, the birthdays, the catching up and.....more on to my second week of my hols, one more to go and its back to uni once more. 2nd term will definitely be harder so i'd have to actually do some work. sigh.

you'd think that with allll the free time i have now, i'd have found a lil time for my exercise and save money plan. but....if u noe me, my "tomorrow" hardly ever comes around. not only am i church mouse poor, but i have a sinking feeling that im ballooning again. double sigh.
my holidays have been great so far, am planning a trip to Lake Tekapo on Thursday. pics will be posted..if i end up going ;)

Apart from that, as i mentioned just now, its just been a lot of lazing and drinking for me. i have GOT TO stop with the booze. seriously. few friends from Dunedin came up, so as was party partayyy during easter weekend.

Our uni had a dance party on Sunday night, was huge. bigger and better than last year but....far too many ppl. and thanks to some connections, we dint have to wait for hours like some of the late comers. hardly any pics were taken tho, we were far too busy downing drinks :P so..the few pics that i have will be posted soon.

for the meantime, infinite x's and o's.