just got back from the movie. and it was good. an absolute must watch for those who haven't seen it although most would have i fink. anyway, that movie was just what i needed. a total eye-opener. left the cinema feeling much better, knowing that there indeed were others out there who is experiencing or have experienced the same thing as me.
it was basically a movie about the relationships of these characters in the movie and how some girls would misread the actions of guys, claiming and thinking that if they acted like jerks, they were interested. stupidly waiting by the phone for days, pondering and wondering if his feelings were mutual, if there was going to be a second date. sound familiar? it sure is to me. i think i can relate to the entire movie. the feelings felt, the actions taken.but i probably wouldn't cyber stalk a guy i liked. i'd just stalk him :P but seriously, all the anxiety..not being able to concentrate..always using the guy (or girls) name at any chance u get in a conversation, constantly thinking about that person. we've all been through that at one time or another im sure.
so.. how was this movie an eye-opener for me? watching one of the main characters, Gigi, throw herself at guy after guy..attempting to get them on a second date with her..i realized that it was indeed true that when guys treat u like a jerk, they really do mean it. and that if they wanted to go out with you, they would find a way to do it. sure, i've heard this many times from my male frens but i just had to see it for myself, and i finally did, although through a movie screen. i finally saw how pathetic and pitiful it was to put ourselves out there in the open, just to get our emotions all tangled up and heart trampled on. i finally 'regained my sight'. roy and terence would be so glad :)
and what i really liked about this movie was that the ending wasn't a fairytale one, where everyone, including the cheating husband, found their other half and had a happy ever after. no, this movie really related to real life situations and emotions that normal people like you and i would feel. so overall, this was an excellent movie. one that i would rent and re-rent when it comes out on dvd here. it truly was an eye-opener and im glad that i watched it, and with whom i watched it with :)
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